ACCA Engineering Consultants
Fire Safety Certificates, Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Safety Notices, Fire Escape Plan, Fire Cert applications, Fire Safety Certificate applications in Dublin and Leitrim, Fire Safety Ireland, Free quote, Fire Safety in Leitrim and Dublin
Fire Safety Certificates
A Fire Safety Certificate is a certificate issued by the Building Control Authority which states that the works or building to which the application relates will, if constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, comply with the requirements of Part B of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations.
Fire Safety Certificates are required prior to development being carried out, for new developments including new buildings, extensions, material alterations and change of uses. There are exemptions from the requirement to obtain a Fire Safety Certificate which include extensions less than 25 sq.m, a building used as a dwelling, a single storey domestic garage, certain single storey agricultural buildings, etc.
ACCA Engineering Consultants recommend that any application for a Fire Safety Certificate for development which is also subject to a Planning Application should be submitted at the time the Decision to Grant Planning Permission is issued or preferably sooner where our client is confident that their development design will be acceptable to the Planning Authority.
We also strongly recommend that our clients appoint ACCA Engineering Consultants to perform a pre-planning assessment of development design to determine planning critical fire safety issues at an early design stage. This service has been found to be invaluable to Architects and Planning Consultants and can eliminate the need for time consuming and costly revised planning submissions. Pre-planning assessments are provided at very competitive rates regardless of development scale or complexity.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries as we are always happy to offer advice.
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