ACCA Engineering Consultants
Fire Safety Certificates, Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Safety Notices, Fire Escape Plan, Fire Cert applications, Fire Safety Certificate applications in Dublin and Leitrim, Fire Safety Ireland, Free quote, Fire Safety in Leitrim and Dublin
Fire Escape Plans
Fire Escape Plans are an essential component of the building owner(s) Fire Safety Management Policy and provide a visual interpretation of the procedure to be followed by occupants in the event of an emergency.
Fire Escape Plans are required for new and existing buildings under Safety Health and Welfare at Work Regulations and under guides for various building types e.g., Assembly & Recreation buildings, Hotels, Hostels, etc., which have been published in support of the Fire Services Act.
ACCA Engineering Consultants provide a range of Fire Escape Plans to suit specific needs.
The process is simple:
Send a copy of your building floor plans* to info@accaeng.com
We will assess the plans and provide a free quotation based on the optimum location for the Fire Escape Plans.
Its that simple!.
* Floor plans can be in any CAD (.dwg) format, pdf, jpeg and we even accept hand drawn plans.
If you dont have floor plans of your building, we can either help source floor plan drawings or provide a measured building survey optimised for the preparation of your Fire Escape Plans.
Fire Escape Plan Options:
We can provide fire escape plans in electronic format ( pdf, jpeg, etc.) which allows our clients to determine and source display options suited to their own needs. However we do also provide a range of print and display options providing plans sized from A4 to A1:
Option 1: Photo Quality Paper,
Option 2: Laminated Photo Quality Paper (recommended),
Option 3: Photo Quality Paper + Flexible Acrylic Sleeve,
Option 4: Photo Quality Paper + Rigid Acrylic Display.
We can also accommodate bespoke display options so if you have a particular display in mind, let us know.
Other Plans:
In addition to Fire Escape Plans, we can also provide Fire Detection and Alarm Zone Plans and Key Plans.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries as we are always happy to offer advice.