ACCA Engineering Consultants
Fire Safety Certificates, Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Safety Notices, Fire Escape Plan, Fire Cert applications, Fire Safety Certificate applications in Dublin and Leitrim, Fire Safety Ireland, Free quote, Fire Safety in Leitrim and Dublin
Building Control Appeals
Where a Building Control Authority refuse to grant a Fire Safety Certificate, Revised Fire Safety Certificate or Regularisation Certificate, the applicant is permitted to lodge an appeal to An Bord Pleanala against the decision of the Building Control Authority.
The appeal must be lodged within 4 weeks beginning on the date of the making of the decision by the Building Control Authority.
ACCA Engineering Consultants have been succesful in appealing the decision of Building Control Authorities to refuse Fire Safety Certificates. Our clients can be assured that our considerable knowledge of the Building Control Regulations, our fire safety expertise and our resolve to succeed on our clients behalf is unequaled.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries as we are always happy to offer advice.
Please review our "More Services" page for associated and complimentary services.